Optimation Study of Isolates in The Seeding Tank of Waste Water Installation Processing Sugarcanes Factory

ABSTRAK Hasil Penelitian Publikasi Februari 2007
Diliana, S.T.P
Dr. Eng. Udin Hasanudin, M.T

The sugarcanes industry had caused a bad impact to the environments by it’s industry’s waste water. The waste water has characteristics with BOD value about 1300-1900 mg/l and COD value about 2500-4000 mg/l (Anonim, 2000). The waste water of sugarcanes industry was treat in the waste water processing installation of sugarcanes factory. Seeding is the process that aimed to seed amount of microbe as pure isolate in order to produce the best isolate. The waste water processing with this system is claimed still has weaknesses such as COD removal facultative lagoon has lower cost than COD removal anaerobic lagoon, the expensive cost of pure isolate, and the unadapted isolate. Seeded isolate can be an option to overcome this problem in the waste water processing installation of sugarcanes factory system.
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